
From my mind to my tongue

The words will not come.

From my heart to my fingers

The syllables linger

They fly and taunt as they bend and scatter

I grasp for the sounds that I can’t capture

And I stop. Because they matter.

And I don’t want to get this wrong.

So I try again

I take a breath and begin.


But the sounds they swell at the back of my mouth

Choking my speech

Nothing comes out

I’ve got so much to say but I start to back down

I. Just. Can’t. Find. The words.

And it hurts.


So I immerse in the verse that takes me away

Feeling the words that replicate my pain

His lips spill forth the things I can’t say

Let him speak my hurt because I have no refrain

There’s too much in my head to order into ink

There are thoughts that I feel but I don’t know how to think

Declarations get stuck.

Questions won’t come.


Like trying to describe the remnants of a dream

It makes sense in my head but it’s a mess when I speak

So I let him talk my heart

Let him voice the words that will not part

From my lips

And knowing this

I let them flow from his.


He talks my hurt.

He says my words

And I hope that through my mute appeal

You understand that what he is saying

-I feel.


From my head to my lips

My words stumble and trip

Fear shuts down the sounds in my mouth

That push against my static tongue –

They press hard but won’t come out


I want you to hear all the things that I feel

But nothing comes out and so I steal

His lines

His rhymes

His voice, his words, his song, his beat

They are his but its everything I want to speak

But my sentences break and remain undone.

The words get stuck from my mind  to my tongue.