
Hello and welcome to my blog – a place where I will share with you my writing, poetry, thoughts, musings and creations from my desk overlooking the garden – with possibly one or two keyboard additions by the cats.

Just over a year ago I happily began a new life by leaving the desk job I had been in for ten years and moving, with my fiancé and our two cats, to a house in the Suffolk countryside, well, we moved in six months ago after nearly half a year of renovating – in which I learned many new skills, developed good arm muscles (subsequently lost again) – and acquired far too much knowledge about all the different types of damp you can get in older houses.

After spending my whole life answering the question ‘what do you want to do/be?’ with, ‘I don’t know,’ I realised that actually I did know but had never dared voice it in seriousness: I am a writer – always have been, always will be but I think I never felt that saying so would be taken as anything but fanciful and so, like many of us, I just got a job, because that’s what you do, and fourteen years later could stand it no longer.

So here I am.

As well as being a writer I also enjoy creating things with fabric and wool and will share with you projects I am undertaking – my aim this year is to conquer crochet – which has so far left me infuriatingly baffled.

I am a founding member of a local book club, YeahBooks! And will let you know what we’ve been reading – perhaps you would like to share your thoughts on the books we have read…?

And as if that wasn’t enough to talk to you about, I am in a three-part close harmony a cappella group called The Kettle Girls, about which you may get the occasional paragraph or two, particularly about the songs I have written for us to perform.

So that is me and what is to come: words in songs, stories, poems, spoken word, short fiction and, of course, this blog. And cats. I’m sure there will be cats.

3 thoughts on “Hello”

  1. Hi Jenny, It is wonderful to see you are doing what you love, we wish you every success with your work and look forward to reading more of your adventures. love Paula and Pete

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